
Lyrics are words that make up a song, usually consisting of verses and choruses. The writer of the lyrics is a lyricist.

Welcome to SinhalaSongLyrics.com, your one-stop destination for all things related to Sinhala song lyrics. We are passionate about bringing you the beauty and artistry of Sinhala music in the form of lyrics. Whether you’re a fan of traditional classics or the latest chart-topping hits, we’ve covered you with our comprehensive song lyrics collection.

Our website is designed to be easy to navigate, ensuring you can quickly find the lyrics you’re looking for. We understand the importance of connecting with the songs you love, and that’s why we’ve curated a wide variety of lyrics across different genres and eras of Sinhala music. From soulful ballads to energetic pop tunes, you can explore the rich tapestry of Sinhala musical culture right here.

At SinhalaSongLyrics.com, we believe in supporting the Sinhala music industry and its talented artists. Our mission is to provide a platform where music lovers can easily access lyrics and appreciate the artistry behind each song. We strive to keep our database up-to-date with the latest releases as well as timeless classics, making it a valuable resource for both casual listeners and dedicated fans.


**All the credits goes to original artists**

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    • Thank you for reaching us. Will remove the content related to those mentioned artists; effective immediately. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

      Please note that,
      We only published the contents which are available through a freely reachable platform (YouTube, since anyone download content from it) and we have credited the owners as a priority.

      Also we didn’t publish any of your Streaming Only content and we didn’t monetize your content.

      Will inform your request to the subscribers of our telegram channel and take down your content since they are constantly requesting for you music.

      Again sorry for the inconvenience occurred. And thank you for amazing music that you create.